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"Those open to ideas and doctrines from a variety of religious beliefs would benefit from reading this book. And readers on a similar quest will surely find Tomlinson’s personal journey compelling."

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Where did we come from? Where are we going? How can we get there? Who is God? What is God like? To what extent can God be known? Are beliefs influenced by our experiences? Are experiences shaped by our beliefs? How is the superstring field theorized by modern physicists related to us, the universe, and the Creator? Are there higher states of human consciousness? Can faith and science provide certain answers? Have we abolished wonder, mystery, and play?

The nature of God puzzles me. From one perspective, God appears transcendental, beyond my experience, distant, up in heaven. From another perspective, God is intimate, personal, imminent, and to be found within me. Is there only one God? These questions and others have intrigued me on my spiritual journey. My Catholic education helped me to identify and clarify them. Three master's degrees and a doctorate in physiology helped me to appreciate research methods and to explore secrets of living systems. Travels on three continents brought me into contact with people and traditions of other cultures. I became a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation program founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I lived under his direct guidance and taught Maharishi Vedic Science. Surviving acute sicknesses, chronic illness, and a car accident helped me to develop a dearer appreciation for human kindnesses and the power, mystery, and unconditional love of the Creator. Sunrises, seashells, stars, and seasonal changes became extraordinary wonders of nature I no longer wished to ignore. I reflected on God's omnipresence, intelligence, and bliss. Life tutored me in lessons of the heart. I honor all of the stepping-stones on my journey.

In Craving the Creator, I share with you in prose and verse some of my experiences, inquiries, and insights. I offer them as food for thought to promote discussion, spark clarification, and enhance my personal growth and yours. Bon appétit!

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Book no.2
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A friend once described me as "encompassing". The prefix en- means 'within'. A compass is an instrument which provides direction. To sing is to express thoughts and feelings in rhythm and melodic phrases. My nature is to look within for direction and guidance. I often express myself in music and song. Nuggets is an elevating, uplifting, spiritually oriented collection of inspiring poems and short essays that I've written over many years. Organized loosely over an annual cycle, my poems and essays capture moments, feelings, experiences, and ideas. Starting with my first love - the beach and the ocean - Nuggets continues with a variety of topics including the seasons, food, gratitude, and death. The book concludes with Christmas, New Year, and winter poems, poems on topics such as health and healing, spring, gardening, love, music, song, the coronavirus, and the Connecticut River by moonlight. Throughout the book, I've included insights and perspectives from Maharishi Vedic Science and the practice of the Transcendental Meditation program. I dedicate Nuggets to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the foremost scientist of consciousness and Veda and Vedic literature in our time. I offer each poem, essay, and photo in a spirit of joy and thanksgiving to readers throughout the world.

For any inquiries, please contact us:


Office Address

Domestic: 521 5th Avenue 17th Floor, New York, NY 10175 

Contact Number

Domestic: +1 315-537-3088

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